Easily check Nepal telecom SEE result online is easy and faster. SEE result by Nepal telecom is more accurate and reliable. Let’s know about checking this.
NEB, Nepal Education Board, is yet to publish the result of the SEE 2079 exam. They had planned to publish this SEE 2079 result on 31st Ashar 2079 but now, the expected result publish date is being delayed and this SEE Result 2079 is being planned to be published during 1st week of Sharwan that might go to 2nd week of sharwan as well.
The SEE exam was conducted from Baishakh 9 to Baishakh 20 in respective and NEB has said that the checking of the paper has been already completed and on the final stage of verifying the numbers. Once the verification process is completed, they will start to enter the marks of the student and hence publish the result of SEE 2079.
Now let’s go to know about how to check Nepal telecom SEE result online in easy ways.
How to Check SEE Result 2079 ?
When the NEB announced the official publish of SEE 2079 result, you can check the SEE result in various ways. SEE result can be taken in following 4 different ways. We will discuss one by one
- Online result websites
- Through mobile websites
- Result notice board
- SEE result from Newspaper
Check SEE result by Websites
You can check the SEE result via SMS or through online sites. There are many websites that provide easy result checking through online.
After the official publish of SEE result, you can check the SEE result online through these SEE Result online websites
- https://www.see.ntc.net.np/
- https://see.edusanjal.com/
- https://results.ekantipur.com/
- https://see.ncell.axiata.com/
- https://www.see.gov.np/
- https://www.neb.gov.np/
- https://www.see.ntc.net.np/
- https://www.soce.gov.np/
However, the most easy and convenient way to check the SEE result online is through NTC Website. This checking Nepal telecom see result is also official site for checking the result online.
Check SEE Results by SMS by NTC Mobile
Next easier way to check the SEE result is through SMS. Nowadays, there are many SMS services that provide you SEE Results to get from mobile. However, if you have NTC Mobile service, it is easy and faster to check. But you should keep in mind that your charge will be around 5 to 8 rupees though SMS in a single check. However, this one is cheap
Beside NTC, you can also get SEE results by SMS through NCELL mobile too.
SEE Results from Notice Board
SEE results can also be taken from the notice board. For this you need to go to the respective education office where you can find the result pasted in notice board.
SEE result from Newspaper
As a long practice, SEE result 2079 will also be published in the national newspaper too. Officially, the result is printed in the national newspaper of Nepal government “Gorkhapatra” too.
Guide to Check Nepal telecom SEE Result Online
Here are few easy steps to check the SEE Result 2079 online thorough Nepal telecom see result. You can check see result online in see.ntc.net.np . This is The see.ntc.net.np is official website that allows checking the SEE/SLC 2079 Result with Mark sheet online.
You can also check the results in other website and the process almost same as below. The main thing is that you should know the SEE result checking portals. Some already mentioned above. You need your credentials like symbol number and date of birth to check the results online.
Steps to check Nepal telecom see result
- Go to see.ntc.net.np website
- enter your symbol number
- Enter your date of birth
- Click on Ok or Check result
- By doing this, your result is displayed in mark sheet. From here you can directly get printout of as SEE Mark sheet
Details about SEE Mark sheet
After you get the SEE Mark sheet, this will include basic details about the student and marks in details. Students have to verify the accuracy regarding name and else.

If there is anything error, then they should inform the respective school or board officials as soon as possible. You should know the mark sheet of SEE Result 2079 will have the following information’s
- Name of the student
- Student Father’s name
- Student Mother’s Name
- Studied School Name
- Subject Codes
- Exam Symbol number
- The name of the board
- Marks obtained in each subject
- Name of the subjects
- Obtained Grades
- Result Status as pass or fail
SEE Grading System for Mark sheet
After getting the see result, you can generate see result mark sheet. The following SEE grading system is applicable according to the percentage obtained by the SEE students. You can know your grade after getting result and mark sheet by Nepal Telecom SEE Result page which are mentioned in picture or table below

The see mark sheet grading system include percentage, Grade, description and grade point which are shown in table below.
SN | Percent (%) | Grade | Description | Grade Point |
1. | 90 to 100 | A+ | Outstanding | 4.0 |
2. | 80 to below 90 | A | Excellent | 3.6 |
3. | 70 to below 80 | B+ | Very Good | 3.2 |
4. | 60 to below 70 | B | Good | 2.8 |
5. | 50 to below 60 | C+ | Satisfactory | 2.4 |
6. | 40 to below 50 | C | Acceptable | 2.0 |
7. | 30 to below 40 | D+ | Partially Acceptable | 1.6 |
8. | 20 to below 30 | D | Insufficient | 1.2 |
9. | 0 to below 20 | E | Very Insufficient | 0.8 |