Tihar Deusi Bhailo songs are tihar songs especially played during Tihar Festival in Nepal. Tihar is one of the biggest festivals that come after the fortnight of Dashain.
This Tihar festival is celebrated on the day of Kartik Krishna Paksha Triodashi by the name of Kaag Tihar and is celebrated till Bhaitika (five days) on the second day of Kartik Shukla Paksha.
Hindus celebrate this festival as Diwali. It is estimated that the name of this festival has been distorted from the Hindi word festival to become a festival. It is also known as Diwali and Diwali.
Tihar is one of the biggest festivals of Nepalis and especially of Nepali Hindus and the festival usually falls at the beginning of October or November according to the English or Gregorian calendar.
Here we present the deusi bhialo songs which is being played during the Tihar. These Tihar songs listed as following names:
- Tihar songs
- Tihar deusi songs
- Tihar bhailo songs
- Deusi Bhailo songs
- Dewali songs
- Deepawoli songs
- Tihar Dhun
Tihar Dhun | Tihar Deusi Bhailo Music || Diwali Song
Tihar songs collection | deusi bhailo songs