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HomeMy Recent BlogsWhat Human Resource Management is : Definition, Responsibilities, Functions and Challenges

What Human Resource Management is : Definition, Responsibilities, Functions and Challenges

What Human Resource Management is the first book to examine the tools and techniques of HRM from a systems perspective .The challenge of human resource management growing groom day by day.

Every business, no matter how large or small, relies on several sorts of capital to operate. Cash, commodities, and items/products utilized to produce earning for firms are all considered funds. A merchandise store, for items, employs records and checklist, although a research company can have its software/tools or space.

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Defining human resource management

Basics of What Human Resource Management is .

Human resource management (HRM) is a broad discipline that integrates people and organizations to create value for the organization and its stakeholders. As the title suggests, this post is all about defining Human Resource Management. In short, it is all about its importance.

Human Resource Management is a management function of the overall operations of a business. It is concerned with the policies, practices and procedures that are concerned with the selection, management, training, and development of the workforce.

Definition of human resource management

Human resource management is an important part of any business. The purpose of HR is to manage the human resources of an organization. HRM can be defined as the discipline of planning, organizing, staffing, and directing human resources of an organization.
Human resource management is the process of managing human resources. It has been defined as the management of human resources to meet the needs of an organization. The term human resource management is thought to have emerged in the 1960s . To consise Human resource management (HRM) is a management discipline that focuses on people and their performance.


In today’s rapidly changing work climate and business environment, human resource management is no longer a passive, administrative process. HR professionals are expected to be part of the wider business.

All firms, regardless of industry, require individuals to ensure that their investment operate for them. Human resource management/HRM is selecting employees, giving them with the essential guidance and compensation, creating regulations pertaining to them, and generates reservation plans. Over the past many years, HRM has gone through a significant deal of development as a profession, making it increasingly essential in today’s enterprises. 

Responsibilities of Human Resource Management

After knowing What Human Resource Management is, we need to know that HRM plays a vital responsibilities or duties for the extension of the firms and the company, such as:

  • Staffing
  • Enhancement of the organization’s policies and procedures.
  • Administration of Benefits and Compensation.
  • Retention: For maintaining and encouraging staff to remain with the company.
  • Expansion by giving training to the company workers.
  • Managing Laws That Affect Employment.
  • Worker protection.
  • Communication.
  • Knowledge of External Factors.

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Function of HRM

The sorts of people recruited, the size of the organization, and the business can all influence how HR activities are performed. Typically, acquiring talent attraction and enhancing employee interaction and collaboration are the main goals. The following are additional crucial HRM tasks:


Job Evaluation

Assessing the abilities and expertise required to do a good job may simplify hiring the proper individuals, setting fair salaries, and developing development programs.

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Workforce Management

Developing health and safety rules, reacting to employee issues, collaborating with trade unions, and other activities can improve environmental regulations.

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Performance Evaluation

Measuring performance is essential since it promotes worker improvement through honest feedback/comments and acts as a guideline for increases and promotions.


Professional Advancement

From initiation to higher training materials, staff training seeks to increase productivity, eliminate attrition, and lessen the necessity for supervisors. What Human Resource Management is is important to developing the professional attitudes


The challenge of Human Resource Management

Human Resources management is an ever changing job. For those who wish to excel in this field, there are many things that need to be taken care of.The challenge of human resource management is a main concern for the managers. HRM is a huge role in any organization. To make the best use of this, HRM managers should be aware of the challenges faced by them

The challenge of human resource management is in its very nature interdisciplinary. The challenge is to create an overall human resource management system which is holistic and takes into account the various dimensions of human resource management.

HR is a challenging role despite the fact that HR managers have to deal with several challenging issues and situations.  The challenge of human resource management is to use the right human resources in the right or wrong place

The challenge of human resource management is how to manage people in a complex, dynamic, and uncertain environment . The Challenge of Human Resource Management is a book you can find in market. This provides a comprehensive look at what the HR profession is, what HR’s role is in the business environment, and how HR can help an organization maximize profit and good management



Human resource management (HRM) is the process of planning, organizing, and directing people so that they can achieve organizational goals and objectives. HR professionals make an impact on the people, processes and systems that form the backbone of the organization..Learn the definition of Human Resource Management and what it is




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