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HomeMy Recent BlogsHasty Generalization: How To Avoid This Fallacy In Your Writing ?

Hasty Generalization: How To Avoid This Fallacy In Your Writing ?

Hasty Generalization. Throughout the day, individuals are asked to draw broad judgments from limited pieces of data. This is known as inductive generalisation.

Inductive generalisation is based on inductive reasoning, sometimes known as “bottom-up logic,” which requires a person to evalu

ate a small sample of data and logically infer rules and conclusions based on that data. Poor execution of this technique might lead to rapid generalisation. Students are always worried about who marketing research topics but don’t worry we are here to help you at Dissertation SKy

What Exactly Is Hasty Generalization?

A hasty generalisation is a faulty generalisation that is frequently incorrect owing to small sample size. In all circumstances, hasty generalisations relate to conclusions reached on the basis of insufficient knowledge or when a logical process is reversed.

This mistake is also known as quick induction, the lonely fact fallacy, the fallacy of inadequate statistics, the fallacy of insufficient sample, converse accident, or simply leaping to conclusions.


Within the scientific community, researchers are advised to approach the process of generalising with caution. Inductive reasoning, by definition, requires observers to make broad generalisations.

However, before making such broad statements, it is necessary to exercise critical thinking and ensure that you are not falling victim to any logical fallacies. Any form of the fallacy will undermine your argument and the general strength of your writing.

Three Cases of Hasty Generalization

Each of the following scenarios is a potential cause of premature generalisation:

Reliance on excessively small sample size: Assume you met a woman from Texas who was a fan of the Dallas Mavericks basketball club. “Texans adore the Dallas Mavericks,” you could say, but it would be a hasty generalisation.

The lone woman you met might be a skewed sample of all Texans. After all, the state is home to the Houston Rockets and the San Antonio Spurs, and many Texans must prefer those clubs above the Mavericks.


Secundum quid fallacy:

A secundum quid fallacy is a hasty generalisation based on an unduly small sample size in which you flip a logical process to explain a data point.

Consider our Dallas Mavericks fan. She naturally watches NBA games as a team supporter. As a result, it is true to claim that “those who watch Dallas Mavericks games also watch NBA games.”

However, if you reverse the assertion and say “those who watch NBA games watch Dallas Mavericks games,” you have committed a secundum quid fallacy, a type of erroneous generalisation.

Indeed, there are many NBA fans in New York who follow the Knicks and Nets but never watch a Mavericks game.

Faulty inductive reasoning:

Assume you get home to discover a sofa cushion ripped up and your dog looking guilty in the corner. Inductive reasoning will lead you to the conclusion that your dog ruined the pillow.

Inductive generalisation is more concerned with creating norms than with reaching conclusions. But suppose you see the scenario with a ruined cushion and a guilty-looking dog and claim, “Every time I leave the home, my dog destroys a sofa cushion.”Perhaps this will prove to be correct

However, it is probable that you would have made a mistake known as a premature generalisation.

How to Avoid Oversimplified Generalizations in Your Writing

Overgeneralization and similar logical fallacies, such as red herrings, straw man fallacy, ad hominem fallacy, slippery slope fallacy, an appeal to ignorance, incorrect causality (post hoc ergo propter hoc), appeal to the stone (argumentum ad lapidem), “whataboutism” (tu quoque), circular reasoning, begging the question, false dilemma fallacy, and all forms of informal fallacies, must never be To avoid these errors, particularly the hasty generalisation fallacy, do the following:


Consider increasing the sample size.

If you’re going to generalise, be sure your findings are based on a broad sample of data.

Provide counterexamples. Displaying many sides of an argument improves the depth of your writing.


Make use of clear terminology.

  • When using inductive reasoning, use cautious, measured sentences and avoid diluting your thesis to the point of equivocation.
  • By avoiding hasty generalisations in your writing, you enhance the likelihood that your work will withstand fact-checking examination and, as a result, better reflect the argument you are attempting to convey.

What Is an Example of a Radical Generalization?

The following are some examples of premature generalisation:

  • My father and brothers never helped with housework when I was a kid. In the house, all males are worthless.
  • My child’s preschool classmates bullied him. Bullies terrorise all youngsters
  • Dozens of impoverished households seek financial assistance from my grandfather. All impoverished individuals rely on others to make a life.
  • I ate at three different restaurants in Bangkok and had a negative experience each time. In Bangkok, there are no excellent eateries.


Examine the preceding instances for Hasty Generalization.  The individual making the assertion in the first sentence had the experience of a father and brothers who did not assist with housework at home.

She then leapt to the conclusion that no males know how to help around the house based on a very tiny sample of simply the guys in her own household. Cryptocurrency Dissertation topics UK from Dissertation SKy .


The speaker’s child was tormented in preschool, as demonstrated by the plural term “classmates” in the second phrase. As a result, the sample size might be two or more students. However, it is still a relatively tiny sample size to say that all children are terrorised by bullies. (In fact, by saying that, she includes her own child in the mix!)


We don’t know how many needy families asked the speaker’s grandfather for cash assistance in the third phrase. The word “dozens of” indicates a large number, yet it’s still a stretch to describe every impoverished family as permanently reliant on others.


In the fourth statement, having visited three restaurants does not imply that all of Bangkok’s eateries are bad.




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