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4 ways to use interactive media in science education

Compared to today, interactive media was a novelty when I was a kid. We are permitted to use the school’s one limited computer to play one of those old PC games that taught youngsters how to type in the 1990s.

We had Game Boys and PCs at home, but interactive media was confined to paid games or free internet browser games. In the year 2021, interactive media has exploded in popularity. The People are employing the reality effects on Snapchat and Instagram left, right, and many other things.

New experiences that can communicate information have never been made possible by the availability of computational power and screens. Let us have a look at those few of the most intriguing!

Use Interactive Media In Science Education
Use Interactive Media In Science Education
  1. The Exploratorium in San Francisco

The Exploratorium is more than just a famous  Museum in San Francisco which is set on a bluff overlooking the bay; it’s an all-ages portal to the joyful investigation of science, art, and human perception. Hundreds of exhibits in six big indoor and outdoor galleries will pique your interest.

From living cells to cosmic rays, from bubbles to human behavior, from optical illusions to electricity, from fun machines to rainbows, and much more, observe, listen, notice, explore, and play with fascinating phenomena from the world around you.


Observe our exhibits developed, built, and tinkered with in the Exploratorium’s open shop. In addition, you’ll find the attentive visitor and must obey staff safety protocols, a unique museum store, good food, and stunning views of the San Francisco Bay.

Frank Oppenheimer, is a physicist and educator, who developed the Exploratorium, which first opened in 1969 at the Palace of Fine Arts . This  remained there until January 2, 2013. The Exploratorium has reopened on the Embarcadero’s Piers 15 and 17 on April 17, 2013.

Pier 15’s historic interior and exterior were extensively renovated before the move, and it is divided into several galleries based on content. This includes the physics of seeing and hearing, Human Behavior, Tinkering, Living Systems, the Outdoor Gallery, and the Bay Observatory Gallery. They focuses on the local environment, weather, and landscape.


  1. Ecomare, Texel

When visiting Texel, the seals are a must-see. At the Ecomare seal sanctuary, you may observe them up close. Ecomare also has a lot more to offer so that you can have a fun and interesting day out with your entire family.

Sanctuary for seals

Not all seals found on the shore require assistance. The mother is frequently present for howlers, and adult animals are occasionally just relaxing. Ecomare looks after seals who would not be able to survive on their own, such as young animals who have lost their mother and are unable to care for themselves, as well as animals who are debilitated by sickness. They are released on the Texel beach or a sandbank in the Wadden Sea once they have healed.

The Ecomare also has permanent residents’ person, such as aged seals that are blind and unable to be freed.


Aquarium of the sea

Dive into the depths of the Sea Aquarium. In huge, open marine aquariums, several environments have been replicated. Young fish, crabs, and starfish live in the Wadden Sea aquarium, while the vast North Sea aquarium is where the big ones swim. You’ll encounter a variety of sharks and rays, as well as sea anemones, mussels, and lobsters; our water is teeming with life!

Museum of Natural History

Ecomare’s museum has unique exhibitions about the mudflats, the sea, and the species that dwell there. In the new exhibition Wonderlijk Wad, discover the wonder of the mudflats, join scientists on their research in Waddenstad, and be amazed by the immense proportions of a sperm whale and humpback whale in the Walviszaal.


In the hall, near the pay counter, is the Ecomare shop. Great souvenirs and presents, as well as literature, field guides, and maps, can be found here. If you have any queries about nature, please visit the shop.


  1. Perot Museum, Dallas, Texas

The Perot Museum of Nature and Science (shortened to Perot Museum) is a natural history and science museum located in Dallas, Texas.

This Perot consists of two major campuses:

  • One is the primary campus located in Victory Park
    • The Victory Park campus museum was named in honor of Margot and Ross Perot. The current chief executive officer of the museum is Dr. Linda Abraham-Silver.
  • second is secondary campus in Fair Park.


Victory Park campus

The 180,000 square feet facility has 6 floors and stands about 14 stories high. It has five floors accessible to the public and houses 11 permanent exhibit halls and 6 learning labs. The top-most floor houses is the museum’s administration offices.

The Victory Park campus opened its doors to the public on December 1, 2012. Approximately around 6,000 visitors came to the museum on its very first day.

The museum will attempt to meet the highest feasible sustainability criteria for a structure of its type. High-performance design and the use of cutting-edge technologies will result in a new structure that has a low environmental impact.

This world-class institution will encourage science awareness through an immersive and interactive setting that actively engages visitors.

Rejecting the idea of museum architecture as a neutral backdrop to exhibits, the new structure becomes a tool for science education in and of itself. The structure displays scientific ideas and promotes curiosity in our natural environment by blending architecture, nature, and technology.

  1. European Bison (Snapchat lens)

A Snapchat lens @iam_ess was created to show how much information may be displayed in augmented reality. I’ve always been interested in wildlife and rewilding programmers, so @iam_ess wanted to support organizations like Rewilding Europe and the WWF in their efforts to return species to areas where they were previously extinct.


In this effect, the user sees a cave painting come to life in front of their eyes, while an animated bison and a holographic map narrate the story of Bison’s reintroduction to Europe!


On a concluding note,

The field of interactive media is fast evolving, partially due to the rapid evolution of the technologies utilized in it.

That is the reason why it is also evolving rapidly in education specially in assignment help sector Interactivity is an important aspect of educational experiences since it helps students understand concepts and remember what they’ve learned.

The applications discussed in this post are just the tip of the iceberg: to explore. There are many other unique displays and apps available around, with many more on the way!

Have you come across any unique experiences that attracted your interest? Let me know what you think in the comments!



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